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OTR Tire Program Best Practice

Bridgestone works with customers to support the complete tire life cycle from selection to purchase to out of service — ensuring longer tire life, maximum tread utilization and improved productivity.

The key to improving tire performance is to focus on OTR Tire Program Best Practices. Fundamentally,  Rotation, Pressure and Matching (RPM) are the core focus areas to increase tire performance and increase productivity. Bridgestone recommends a tire repair program, formal tire inspection, and Asset Management, with a strong focus on haul road, loading area, and dump maintenance.

View our entire catalog of OTR tires



The optimal rotation point is a dynamic target which significantly affects tire performance and cost. Some operations rotate tires based on long-standing habits of rotating the front tires at about one-third of their expected life. However, tire rotation really has more to do with wear rate and scrap points. Improper rotation points increase the probability of rear mounting new tires and can also reduce overall tire life which disrupts your production and budget. The time spent in front positions is a combination of extending overall life with allowable RTD, preventing irregular wear and managing spare pile and rear-mount needs. Work with your local Bridgestone representative or dealer to optimize your rotation point to reduce wear based on your site-specific conditions.


Air Pressure

Checking and managing a tire’s pressure over its entire life is one of the most, if not the most, important best practices. Air pressure mismanagement can reduce a tire’s life 5% or more, which increases costs and decreases productivity. An OTR tire is designed to operate with an optimum amount of deflection for the loads it carries. To operate efficiently, the inflation pressure of a tire should be set to match the loads it will carry. Bridgestone works closely with customers to understand their loads and hauls, and to spec the correct tire and set the correct air pressure for that tire and application. Managing to this specified air pressure number is the next step in optimizing your tire performance. Under-inflation causes excessive deflection of a tire creating mechanical stresses. These stresses cause heat generation in tires resulting in reduced tire life and loss of production. Over-inflation restricts natural deflection of a tire and can cause increased wear rates, reduced traction and increases in cuts or impact breaks. Learn more about how Asset Management can help you manage air pressure inspections to improve tire life.


Matching Duals

When replacing the OTR tires on your equipment, even slight differences can result in less performance and greater wear on your tires. See how to get the most from your investment.

When operating equipment with duals, do you ever wonder why one tire performs fine, while the other gets significantly less miles than expected? There’s a good chance it’s because the duals weren’t matched properly.


Matching up duals is essential when replacing OTR tires on your equipment. Even slight differences between two tires, from tread depths to patterns, can lead to slipping and scrubbing on one tire and overheating on the other. It can also put stress on your equipment’s mechanical systems, ultimately leading to early removal.


When replacing a dual OTR tire, make sure to check the tread depth on both sides of the mounted tire. You’ll also want to get an accurate measurement of the tire’s static loaded radius, or SLR. Matching up the SLR will help you get the best performance from your dual tires.


Tire Inspection

Off-the-road tires and rims/wheels should be inspected by operators or tire service personnel before every shift. Our free poster shows you how routine inspections help increase profitability, while keeping your people, sites and tires safe.

Highwall Safety

There are many potential risks when working near a highwall, bench or overhang. These risks, such as falling rock, dirt and debris, can result in the damage or destruction of your equipment. Unexpected accidents can even lead to injury or loss of life.

To maintain a safe working environment at all times, be sure to follow these important protocols:

  • Make a thorough inspection for any safety issues before beginning work.
  • Move equipment and materials away from the highwall before any work, inspections or maintenance.
  • For every foot in height of the highwall, keep approximately 2/3 of that distance away from the structure.
  • Have another person with you to watch for unsuspected hazards or call for help.
  • Before starting, let your foreman or supervisor know your location and work details.
  • Turn equipment so it’s facing away from the highwall or place a barrier between you and the wall.
  • Maintain a wide margin of safety when working on top of a highwall to avoid ledges that may give out.


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